Match Information

Match Detail

  • Played: 2020-04-24 21:27 CEST
  • Gametype: Capture the Flag
  • Arena: ironworks
  • Duration: 20:00
  • Rating diff: 0.79
  • Scores: 7 : 1
Nick Score Frags Deaths Captures Assists Defends Damage Dealt Damage Taken Time Old rating New rating Diff
Wallsnag 863 43 14 4 - 21 6868 5177 20:00 22.9 ± 1.27 22.98 ± 1.27 0.08
cherrypaff 647 64 21 2 1 14 9268 6447 20:00 35.97 ± 2.68 36.33 ± 2.65 0.36 ± -0.03
drki 496 38 59 - 2 5 7764 8048 20:00 12.9 ± 1.38 13 ± 1.38 0.1
ttv/r3cke 458 72 59 1 1 8 12124 8199 20:00 19.41 ± 2.19 19.65 ± 2.18 0.24 ± -0.01
Plumwolf:3 320 47 46 - - 5 10026 6053 20:00 16.11 ± 1.29 16.19 ± 1.29 0.08
Nick Score Frags Deaths Captures Assists Defends Damage Dealt Damage Taken Time Old rating New rating Diff
Tudermaci 744 52 30 1 - 25 7626 6673 20:00 21.29 ± 1.72 21.14 ± 1.71 -0.15 ± -0.01
tr1x0 322 47 67 - - 14 9545 9470 20:00 25.39 ± 1.97 25.2 ± 1.96 -0.19 ± -0.01
Dloobiq the Firm 292 42 51 - - 9 9012 8738 20:00 31.33 ± 1.3 31.25 ± 1.3 -0.08
p5ych0 213 32 60 - - 9 6104 8997 20:00 17.23 ± 1.53 17.12 ± 1.52 -0.11 ± -0.01
kai Vincent the Beast 132 19 65 - - 4 4269 7816 20:00 8.08 ± 1.27 8.01 ± 1.27 -0.07

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